Filed under: by: Affiliate Marketing Business

Internet Success Spider allows you to FIND PEOPLE.

Scenario One :

To boost your search engine rankings, you need to get links from other Web sites towards yours. This is CRUCIAL.

With Spider you will be able to find thousands of Web site owners each day to exchange links. (You’ll need Mailloop to bulk e-mail them).

If you phrase your letter correctly, you’ll end up with hundreds (or even thousands) of web sites linking to yours in no time. It would take you years to achieve this without Spider.

You want to be number one on the search engines? Spider is the way to go.

Scenario Two :

You want to find advertising sponsors for your web site or your e-zine. You’re looking for sites with similar content to your own.

With Spider you will be able to find thousands of web site owners who you can approach. (Again, you’ll need Mailloop to bulk e-mail them).

Even though they own their own Web site, webmasters are also potential customers. So you want to invite them to visit your site.

Remember; they’ve created a Web site about a subject that interests them. They’re going to be interested in anything that might increase their knowledge of that topic. They need YOUR product.

Scenario Three :

You’re looking for SUPER-affiliates. How do you know who is a super-affiliate?

SPIDER is how.

If you haven’t already done so, check it out at Scam Free Zone now.

Better still, sign up as an Affiliate to ScamFreeZone, and then check out the Internet Success Spider AND Neil’s other great products.

His best-selling Internet Success Blueprint details every single step necessary to start earning money online by WRITING and SELLING your own info-products.

All you have to do is follow the step-by-step plan. Each part of the blueprint can be performed as you read it, which means that you can start making money almost immediately. I personally rate this as one of the top 3 Internet Publications available today.

Okay, coffee-break over – let’s get back to work… let’s move on to the next chapter...

Moh. Ali Albar

I rewrite this article of E-book “TheTrafficJam™ Formula” by Graham Hamer


Filed under: by: Affiliate Marketing Business

Mailloop is an autoresponder and list processor

It can take care of 99% of your automated mailings (newsletter, bulk e-mails etc) and it can automatically clean, sort, merge and generally maintain your mailing lists.

Without Mailloop, you would have ‘great difficulty’ running and maintaining your own e-zine. (Which is going to be the life-blood of your e-biz.)

Mailloop will personalize every message in every e-mail (as long as you’ve collected your subscriber’s names as well as their e-mail addresses).

Don’t you prefer receiving an e-mail that includes your name, rather than one that just refers to you nothing or as “Dear …”. Or even worse, in my view, “Dear Friend…” , “Dear Subscriber…”, “Dear [name]…”?

Mailloop also operates direct over the Internet so if, like me, your ISP only permits about 50 e-mails to be sent at the same time (with the intention of stopping spam), you will have no problem mailing thousands with Mailloop because, when sending, it bypasses the ISP.

It also protects you from ‘Flames’ and ‘Bombs’

Flames are moronic messages returned by infantile cretins with nothing better to do (usually containing a list of profanities that would make a mule-skinner blush).

Bombs are enormous files taking an indefinite time to download, freezing your activities for hours. These, too, are usually returned by infantile cretins with nothing better to do and, often, the attachment contains a virus.

Make sure your virus-protection program is always kept up-to-date. If you don’t have one, GET IT from Norton Anti-Virus

Back to Mailloop… It can be ‘trained’ to auto detect many “bombs” and “flames” and trash them before you even notice them.

Mailloop also detects and deletes ‘Undeliverables’, then removes the address from your mail list. You’d be surprised how many people regularly change their e-mail address (for a lot of different reasons).

With Mailloop, when their mail server returns a ‘Failure’ notice, you don’t get bothered by it. This happens a lot with FFA lists, which you’ll be dealing with in stage 8 of your MPAM.

With Mailloop, you want to add your new subscribers to your primary list. Push a button and it is done.

Mailloop is also is an auto responder, so you can get it issuing standard replies to messages that come in to a particular mailbox. This alone can save you hours of painful work each day.

AND Mailloop has a built-in scheduler, so you can be gone for days and nobody will even notice. It gives you the sort of hands-free business you always dreamed of.

You can program it to send follow up messages as often as you want. If, for example, you want to send a 7-day course, you can ask Mailloop to send out specific e-mails at particular intervals.

Imagine having the chance to automatically advertise several times just with the push of a button. You’ll sell more doing this than with any other marketing technique in the world.

The program comes complete with step-by-step instructional VIDEOS. They teach you exactly what to do, and how to take full advantage of all the special features.

To summarize, if you have understood the power of e-mail marketing, you will see that Mailloop is INDISPENSIBLE. If you can’t afford Mailloop now, make sure it’s among the first
things you buy when you get some money.

Moh. Ali Albar
I rewrite this article of E-book “TheTrafficJam™ Formula” by Graham Hamer


Filed under: by: Affiliate Marketing Business

Here’s a reminder of what I said at the beginning of this book…


…to show you a PROCESS that is guaranteed to draw traffic to your chosen web site(s).

Most programs that I recommend and most suggestions that I make in this book are FREE, but don’t ever fool yourself that setting up business on the Internet is a no-cost process.

Low-cost; maybe. No-cost: never.

So how am I doing on cost so far?

The two marketing tools that I feel particularly strongly about are clearly Mailloop and Spider. That’s because, without them, your time is going to be swallowed up just doing stuff manually.

It’s like beating the cake mix with a fork instead of using a whisk… it works, but takes a whole lot longer… and it makes you tired.

What I want you to do is to become efficient at everything. There are even programs that will open your browser pages for you so you get free hits quicker in you MPAM program (and if you don’t know what a MPAM is, you didn’t sign up for 10,000hits in chapter one!)

The other little gizmo I mentioned (in chapter 1) was MessageBoard Blaster; an inexpensive program that will pull a few sales you would not have otherwise got.

I know that some of you simply won’t be able to purchase these tools. As I say, the only consequence is that things will work for you a little more slowly. You can get them when you can afford them.

The B-I-G difference between Internet Marketing and Dirt Marketing (my own term for traditional marketing), is VOLUME.

That’s got nothing to do with how loud you can get your sound system to work. I’m talking volume as in NUMBERS, QUANTITY, PEOPLE, VISITORS.

It’s why so many people are getting involved in Internet Marketing.

Gone are the days of planning advertising campaigns weeks or months in advance. Gone is the idea of spending millions of bucks on magazine adverts (that don’t work).

Gone is the power of the big multi-nationals with their high-rollin’ execs in their flashy limos.

In, is an advertising campaign you can change daily, hourly - by the minute even. In are adverts that cost cents to produce and display. In are the little guys like us with mini-sites that work – that make more profit than any of the red-brick sites.


Because we understand the Web, and we’re prepared to get our hands dirty.

And what we understand (which the top execs STILL haven’t figured) is DON’T COUNT THE NUMBERS – MAKE THE NUMBERS COUNT.

We’ve learned how to capitalize on the millions and millions of people from all over the world who surf the Web every day.

The potential market is mind-blowing.

But you can only handle these big volumes if you automate.

Without software, a computer is a useless jumble of plastic, wires and circuits. It’s the software that makes it function.

That’s why the right software is so important.

You NEED Mailloop and Spider like you need a meal in the next 24 hours. You can live without it, but it ain’t gonna be easy.

Think of it this way… Now that you use Windows, could you even consider doing without it? Can you imaging going back to the DOS prompt screens?
And now that Mailloop and Spider have been invented, everything has changed for online businesses. Not using them is the equivalent of still creating images in ‘Paint’ instead of hi-teching your way to Paint Shop Pro (which, incidentally is positively the BEST image manipulator available today).

If you really, really can’t afford these tools, you can skip the rest of this section and move on to the next chapter.

Meanwhile, if you are interested in more information about them, here’s the low down…

Moh. Ali Albar

I rewrite this article of E-book “TheTrafficJam™ Formula” by Graham Hamer


Filed under: by: Affiliate Marketing Business

Bulk e-mail, of course, is also something that is sent by YOUR super-affiliates. When you mail your super-affiliates the details of a new offer or promotion, they bulk e-mail their lists. An hour
later, you can sit and watch the counter on your site going out of control.

VERY effective, and every e-mail would have been personalized.

So the only difference is speed. Instead of contacting one potential customer after another, one at the time, now you can simply contact more people in the same period of time. This way, your circle of relations will grow so fast it's outrageous.

These tactics work.

Isn’t this what computers were invented for?

So here’s the lesson for anyone who still thinks they can become successful by spam-mailing an advertisement to a cheap one-million-person mailing list…

a.The cost of buying the list (about $25) will be totally wasted

b.Your reputation will suffer irreparable harm

c.You will have wasted a lot of time

d.At least 25% of the e-mails will be to undeliverable addresses

e.At least 30% of the e-mails will hit auto-responders that will blast you with return spam

f.At least 1% of the addresses will be spam traps that will automatically trace back your ISP and report you immediately.

g.You stand a VERY good chance of losing your ISP (No second chances nowadays)

h.You will sell NOTHING.

And here’s the lesson about bulk e-mailing. Each time you bulk e-mail, you must send to targeted people. You want to contact a very precise list.

Do that, and you will be successful.

Apart from mailing other Web site owners as I’ve already mentioned, you can also bulk e-mail an opt-in list. (This means people that have “opted-in” to a mailing list. They have chosen to subscribe to a particular newsletter, and have manually submitted a form with their e-mail address.)

Always try to collect the opt-in subscriber’s full name for your mailing list.

This achieves two things.

1) You can use their first name in your e-zine to them. It makes it a lot more personal and they are likely to respond to your suggestions more readily.

2) If ever they should forget that they opted in to your list, and suggest you are spamming, you will be able to point out that the only way you could have known both their first and last names would be if they, themselves, had told you.

So don’t forget the importance of building your own mailing list. NOTHING works better than a list of interested prospects who have asked for more information.

Lists like these give great results. In fact, you can rent or buy them, and I have heard of examples where each name has been rented for a dollar. (I’m not kidding!) And do you know what? They go fast.

In this book, you’re already learning my strategies for building a targeted opt-in list for FREE (and there’s more to come). So you'll save a fortune and you'll learn how to create as many opt-in lists as you want - on any topic. You'll never have to pay for them again.

Remember what I’ve already said… From today, building an opt-in list must be your main priority. And if you want to get a head start, consider using the Lead Factory service run by Marty Foley.

Lead Factory, remember, is a proven service (formerly named List Builder) that can quickly and ethically add subscribers who want to be on your email list - by up to hundreds per day, at reasonable cost.

As long as you’ve started working through the twelve stages of your Massive Passive Cash Machine (10,000 hits), you’ve already taken the first step towards building a loyal opt-in list.

If, for some reason known only to yourself, you STILL haven’t signed on for the 10,000 hits program, you can keep reading this book right to the end, but you’re not going to get ONE SINGLE EXTRA HIT on your site.

I have developed special strategies for you to succeed.

PLEASE DO EXACTLY AS I TELL YOU (I hate having to shout.)

Action is what’s required because, when you have an opt-in list of subscribers waiting for information about a product or service that solved a problem for you, the fun begins and all the doors open. You have power.

My secrets are precise. They work. I have tested, tested, tested to get these amazing results.

As I said at the beginning, there’s a recipe to follow, and a correct way of doing things. So here’s what you should be concentrating on RIGHT NOW…

1.Put a links page on your site. By all means use me to get it started, but USE IT. That way your site will start getting better recognition from the search engines. E-mail me at and tell me how I can view your links page. We’re helping each other, remember.

2.Use Internet Success Spider to harvest the e-mail addresses of other sites within your sphere of interest. Use Mail Loop to bulk e-mail these webmasters with your link-swap proposal. If you word it right, you’ll start to see your search-engine ranking change very, very soon.

And here’s what you should be NOT be concentrating on RIGHT NOW…

3.Sending out SPAM.

If you get a positive response from another webmaster, you have just made a friend. Ask your new friend if he would like to receive your weekly e-zine.

Now we’re starting to get some extra synergy eh?

Do you understand now what I meant when I said that this is a whole recipe? One ingredient compliments another.

Moh. Ali Albar
I rewrite this article of E-book “TheTrafficJam™ Formula” by Graham Hamer


Filed under: by: Affiliate Marketing Business

LET’S start off this chapter with a…

Bulk e-mail works. SPAM doesn't.

I probably need to explain this. Here’s my definition of the difference between Bulk E-mail and Spam :

E-mailing in bulk (sending out a lot of e-mails at the same time) is only spam if you are trying to sell something to the recipients and they haven’t asked you to contact them.

E-mailing in bulk to an opt-in mailing list, for example, is NOT spam. The TopProfits Newsletter is mailed out weekly to a lot of people. It’s NOT spam, because everyone has opted in to the list of subscribers.

Do yourself a favor. NEVER SPAM.

If you want to be taken seriously and get a good reputation, join the movement AGAINST spam.

I hear people argue that spam is no different to junk mail in my mailbox at home. But that’s not true. If I get junk mail at home, the people who had it printed have paid for it.

Ultimately, the people who will pay the cost of having it printed and dumped into the mail boxes, will be the people who buy their products; BUT NOT THE REST OF US.

Though I dislike junk mail in my mailbox, at least I’m not paying for it.

On the Web, we ALL pay for spam. Millions and millions of spam letters slow down and block the system every hour. ISPs have to build in extra bandwidth to handle it. And how do they get paid for supplying this extra bandwidth?

They charge EVERYONE, of course.

So every time I get spam, I curse the person who sent it because they not only invaded my private space uninvited, they also cost me money.

On principle I will NEVER buy from someone who sent me a sales e-mail uninvited – even if the product sounds interesting.

If everybody did the same, spam would stop in a matter of weeks and the cost of Internet connections would start to fall.

Bulk e-mail is not the same thing at all. And the difference is critical. One can make you rich and the other will only lead you to failure.

Bulk e-mail includes sending to FFA subscribers (more about FFA in Chapter 11). These people have agreed to accept ONE e-mail from you. So take them up on their offer by all means, and send them ONE e-mail.

Every day, I get a list of about 2,000 e-mail addresses of people who have agreed to accept one e-mail from me. We’ll talk about the quality of that list in chapter 11, but the principle is clear… I am free to mass e-mail to these people… ONCE

When I see spam, I see amateur. I see a stupid, I see SCAM.


12-year-old kids with nothing to lose spam the world with their “get-rich-quick” schemes. Nobody but another fool kid believes them anyway.

Morons who sell “information on how to claim money off the US Government” spam the world with their “get-rich-quick” reports. Nobody but another moron believes them either.

Okay – let’s stick to reality.

I’m going to demonstrate a use for bulk e-mailing.

As an added bonus, this demonstration will serve two purposes. It will clarify what I mean by bulk e-mailing, and it will introduce you to the concept of link-exchange.

It’s nice to ‘kill two birds with one stone’.

So, below are some EXAMPLES of politically correct mailings that are not considered to be spam. This is called business-oriented professional e-mailing


I visited your web site at and I was impressed by its great design.

I have a lot of traffic on my web site and I would love to exchange links with you so that we both can improve our search-engine rankings. You can contact me on my personal e-mail below.

Though it’s not usually visible, you can view my links page here:

In fact, you may want to use the model to contact other site owners and exchange links with them.

Naturally, any exchange of links would be reciprocal, so I would be able to view a similar page on your site. If you do not have a ready-made links page, you can download my own template from :

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

Best regards,
Graham Hamer

P.S. If you’re using AOL, you may find it easier using these links to the pages above: -

View the
link page here


Download your template from here

P.P.S. If you own other web sites than, I’d be glad to accept your links
for the other sites as well.

Here’s another example on the same theme…


I visited today, and found myself admiring the clarity of your site message.

I thought that, because your web site is about marketing, your visitors might well be interested
in attracting site traffic site. There’s a clear synergy between the two.

Take a look at and see if you want to exchange links with me. The actual link page is viewable at:

Because this page is private, my site visitors do not normally see it. But that is not its purpose.
As you know, search engines give a higher rating to sites with lots of external links.

You can contact me on my personal e-mail below and tell me the full URL of your site. Naturally,
this would be a reciprocal agreement, so I would be able to view a similar page on your site.

If you do not have a ready-made links page, you can download my own template from:

Best regards,
Graham Hamer

(P.S. and P.P.S. as before)

Many webmasters contact other web site owners to offer link exchanges and to find sponsors. It is normal e-commerce business and successful webmasters know this. No one will complain if you contact him or her personally like this.

You’re not advertising your product; you’re building a business relationship. The worst thing that will happen is that the other person won't reply (and you’d better get used to that if you’re going to survive on the Web).

Using Internet Success Spider, I can spend an hour getting the e-mail addresses of 1000 webmasters whose sites fit into a certain category (Internet Marketing, or Site Traffic or whatever).

Then, using an Autoresponder/Mass-Mailer like Mail Loop, I communicate with all 1000 of them at the same time. It’s exactly the same as if I sent one single mail by hand. It’s just more efficient.

It would be exactly the same personalized message but you would have contacted 999 more people in the same time. How would that be spamming?

You’re advertising nothing. You’re simply contacting lots of people at the same time, so it’s bulk e-mail.

And guess what… We just covered two topics in one go. You’ve understood the difference between bulk e-mail and spam at the same time that you’ve seen how to get link exchanges, which really DO improve search engine rankings.

Here’s what Dennis Gaskill, the creator and owner of Boogie Jack's, has to say about external links.

“My site is in the top 1% of the most linked-to-sites on the Internet according to It serves about 750,000 page views per month. Less than 35% of my traffic comes from search engines. That means over 65% of my traffic comes from links or a bookmark, and I do have good search engine rankings for several keywords, so it's not balanced that way because of bad rankings.”

If you control your site, ADD A LINK PAGE NOW. Go to linkpage and download the html code to add to your site. I’ve already included links to my own sites in exchange for giving you the idea and the code. If you want to put your links on my site, just e-mail me at

We’ll be helping each other.

Leave the name of your link page as ‘linkup.html’ and place it in the main directory (not a sub-directory). That way, we can ALL access it and use the contact info to get in touch with each other and keep building links. Is this synergy or what?

With ideas like these, you can achieve a year’s work every day.

Moh. Ali Albar
I rewrite this article of E-book “TheTrafficJam™ Formula” by Graham Hamer